
Title Created Date Author Hits
How Sci-Fi Robotic Gear May Help Older Workers Feb 2016 by Chris Farrell, Forbes Magazine/ 4562
Engaging With the Sci-Tech of Self/Less’s Sci-Fi Jul 2015 by Susan Karlin, IEEE Spectrum 4815
Self/less Explores The Bounds Of The Human Mind And The Ethics Of 'Self' Jul 2015 by Tony Bradley, Forbes Tech 3261
Self/less Sheds Electronic Brain Jul 2015 by R. Colin Johnson, EE Times 3120
Will mind transfer ever happen? Jun 2015 by Erik Sofge, Popular Science 4332
Robotic Intelligence: from insect eyes to robot spies Apr 2015 by Ford Burkhart, Arizona Alumni Magazine 3433
We’re About 100 Years Away From a Real RoboCop Feb 2014 by Angela Watercutter, Wired Magazine 3702
You Have Already Complied: RoboCop And The All-Too-Feasible Horror Of Brain Hacking Feb 2014 by Erik Sofge, Popular Science 4052
When Do I Get My RoboCop? Power before Superpowers Feb 2014 by Patrick Tucker, The Futurist 4492
How Long until We Have the Superhuman Exoskeletons from Elysium? Jul 2013 by David Biello, Scientific American 3450

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